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Iso-phase PT-cubical drops being installed

Installation of Iso-phase PT-cubical drops

Welding a 48 inch main line

Repairing underground piping by welding and back gauging on a 48" main line

24 inch buss duct connections

Connecting points for sections of 24" buss duct

Tie in for transformer Iso-phase buss

Step down to the transformer tie in point for Iso-phase buss

Iso-phase being installed through a blast wall

Installation of Iso-phase through the blast wall

Welding out an Iso-phase buss

Iso-phase buss weld out

Finishing up a hi-pot

Hi-pot completion day

Steel structure for an Iso-phase

Steel erection of Iso-phase structure

Exhaust stack with stainless plate installed

Stainless plate installation for an exhaust stack

Warehouse faculity

Black Bayou Construction Facility/Warehouse Bay

Large chain hoist with trolley

Black Bayou Construction Facility/Warehouse Bay

Warehouse and office space

Black Bayou Construction Facility/Warehouse Bay